Mindset is everything.

This is the kind of community we're building together. Are you in?

  1. I'm human. I make lots of mistakes. The faster I learn, the sooner I move onto the next obstacle.
  2. It doesn't matter how successful I am (or become.) I don't have all of the answers. Things change! If I keep learning, I can pivot to deal with pain and gain.
  3. I use STRATEGIES. I think a lot about how I can reach my goal. I try a few things and think about why they might work.
  4. I apply EFFORT. It's hard work, but I find a reason to keep going, or a way to have fun!
  5. I OPTIMIZE what I do. I track how things are going. I do more of what’s working and less of what's not.
  6. I TINKER. I do small experiments. Often, they don't pay out, but I always learn something.

You get:

  • Direct Access to Mike (via the PRO Forum)
  • AI Keyword Research Tool (experimental)
  • Self Serve TPT Data Tool (experimental)
  • Weekly Staffroom Club meetings + videos
  • Daily co-working space sessions
  • Free TPT blog (on the SEOTpreneur network)
  • Points for participating in the forum.
  • Earn Mike Minutes (1-on-1 Zoom Calls)
  • And more...


  • Sign up now and get a free 30 minute onboarding call to talk about your TPT Store or TPT Data. ($150 value)

14 day money-back guarantee. Cancel any time.

Membership is not guaranteed. You must verify that you are a legitimate TPT Seller. This can be done via zoom or email.

During our onboarding call, we both get to learn more about each other and decide if we're a good fit.

If you would prefer to go through the vetting process via email, please reply to the welcome email by asking if you can verify your store via email.

SPAM stores will be reported to TPT.

Available prices: