Mindset is everything.

This is the kind of community we're building together. Are you in?

  1. I'm human. I make lots of mistakes. The faster I learn, the sooner I move onto the next obstacle.
  2. It doesn't matter how successful I am (or become.) I don't have all of the answers. Things change! If I keep learning, I can pivot to deal with pain and gain.
  3. I use STRATEGIES. I think a lot about how I can reach my goal. I try a few things and think about why they might work.
  4. I apply EFFORT. It's hard work, but I find a reason to keep going, or a way to have fun!
  5. I OPTIMIZE what I do. I track how things are going. I do more of what’s working and less of what's not.
  6. I TINKER. I do small experiments. Often, they don't pay out, but I always learn something.

You get:

  • Direct Access to Mike (via the PRO Forum)
  • AI Keyword Tool (experimental)
  • Weekly Staffroom Club meetings + videos
  • Daily co-working space sessions
  • Free TPT blog (on the SEOTpreneur network)
  • Points for participating in the forum.
  • Earn Mike Minutes (1-on-1 Zoom Calls)
  • And more...


  • Sign up now and get a free 30 minute onboarding call to talk about your TPT Store or TPT Data. ($150 value)

14 day money-back guarantee. Cancel any time.

Membership is not guaranteed. During our onboarding call, we both get to learn more about each other and decide if we're a good fit.

SPAM stores will be reported to TPT.

Available prices: